Development of improved lentil cultivars well-adapted to the local environment is an on-going process in the breeding program and is critical for long-term genetic gain. Recent climate instability adds another layer of complexity to breeding efforts. Continued genetic improvement of lentil will, therefore, involve the introduction of new alleles that extend beyond the existing adapted pool of germplasm. Our goal in AGILE is to enhance the productivity and quality of Canadian lentils by expediting the expansion of genetic diversity of the Canadian lentil germplasm base with the use of genomic technologies.

Our Extension Modules

The following modules are all open-source and freely available on our GitHub Organization. Each one focuses on providing high quality generic functionality including configuration forms, theme-able elements, application programmer interfaces (API), data importers, etc. Furthermore, we strive to document it all!

Analyzed Phenotypes

Data Visualization

Genotypes Loader

Data Import

ND Genotypes

Data Visualization

Raw Phenotypes

Data Management

Tripal JBrowse

Third-Party Integration

Tripal QTL

Data Management

VCF Filter

Third-Party Integration

CViT Embed

Third-Party Integration

LIMS: Raw Sequencing

Data Management

Private Bio Data

Data Management

Tripal D3.js

Application Programmer Interface (API)